Headed Home

Here we are, outside the Van Nuys train station, getting ready to head all the way home. Check out our new T-shirts... they glow in the dark. Anders, John and Erik kick around the Hacky Sack at one of the sunny stops on our way home.
Ethan gave his presentation on Wind Energy in the movie theatre on the train. The presentation included participation, demonstrations and an explanation of the Coriolis force. He had to do all this while on a loud moving vehicle.
Tace finds time to read a novel and enjoy the scenery from the Coast Starlight Parlor Car.
This was our view for several hours in the Vandenberg Air Force Base. Imagine being on the cliffs above untouched southern California beaches!


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Wang Center for Global Education, Pacific Lutheran University, 12180 Park Avenue S. Tacoma, WA 98447 253-531-7577